Thursday, 17 December 2009

Journal Your Christmas 10 - All wrapped up.

But.....sadly .....they're not.......I've been wrapping presents all afternoon and there's still more to do.......and I hate to admit it.........but I hate wrapping presents........I love seeing beautifully wrapped presents........but I just don't have the patience.....or the dexterity.........or the inclination to do it.
And as we all still have stockings in this house.......there's loads to least they can all be done with the same paper.......when the kids were little I saved all the used paper [well...what wasn't torn to shreds]  to use to wrap their stocking presents the following they wouldn't ask why Santa used the same paper as me!!!!
But one thing never changes.....they still tear the paper to shreds!!!! 

Did anyone in the UK watch 'Grow Your Own Drugs for Christmas' last night?
Wow.........holly and chilli truffles.......saffron egg and clove massage oil......ivy, juniper and grapefruit toning name but four........amazing. Find the recipes here.


Maria Ontiveros said...

I need to run out today to buy more paper and tape to finish wrapping what I've got. Lovely, lovely page.

humel said...

Well done for getting so much done at least - hope the rest doesn't take you too long. I'm not a fan of wrapping gifts either, still have some more to do :-(

Sian said...

Haha..yes my kids are 11 and 14 and I'm still hiding the santa wrapping paper so they don't ask the same question. You are doing a great job though!

Gemma* said...

holly and chilli truffles? really? i always thought holly was poisonous!

Anne said...

It's all looking good!

I've just seen that you have a cat called Spider - you are officially now the only other person I have ever met who has a cat called Spider! Sadly, my Spider is no longer with me, but he lived to be in his twenties. Spider cats are the best :0)