I saw the local news.........it said it has rained for 50 days............it didn't mention the nights.......but I am getting concerned that our country is going to sink into the North Sea.........under the weight of all this water.........I think I should stop making cards........and start building an ark.........unpaid position available for a carpenter.
We're scheduled for a big storm tomorrow. So far, 15 states have been hit and it's coming clear across the country. Lots of flooding in the warmer areas with snow and ice in the colder sections. Gee, and winter isn't even here yet. Do you think I could reserve a room on your ark?
We even had snow in some nearby areas, which is almost unheard of here on the California coast!
Wierd weather indeed.
hI jacky thanks for the comment you left on my card and really glad you liked your christmas card I have a mini candy draw on my blog if you would like to add your name...you never know
..we are currently living with a leaking conservatory..buckets everywhere...and lots of newspapers in case there's another drip we dont know about!!..really fed up with the mess..but it will have to stay there until it gets better..some hope...!!!
damp hugs!!! lol
Lol!! You are so right. And you've reminded me of the time in the 80's when my brother thought building a nuclear fallout shelter out of kitkat wrappers was a good idea. There might be a post in that...thanks!
Don't know whether to lol, panic, or practise swimming! ;-)
Very Funny jacky...It is a bit like that!!!
Thank you so much for the really lovely card...I am still way behind with mine. hubby took some parcels to the PO for me yesterday and the postage was £6...Yours will be on it's way soon.
Got my hammer at the ready Jacky lol.
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