Saturday, 4 April 2009

Winning Streak!!

I must have done something to please the gods lately...... as I've never had such a winning streak!
Popped over to the Stampin Chic blog yesterday to see what their new challenge was...and found I'd won the last one.....not sure what the prize is....but if it's Clare Curd goodies it's bound to be lovely.

Then last night found I'd won the Stampin Up markers on Steph's blog candy.......woooooo....they will be sooo useful.....thanks so much Steph. If you've never been to her blog, you must go...right now....she is such a lovely lady..and makes gorgeous cards.

Not much crafting today...after a dismal start...the weather cleared right up and so we've been really busy in the garden......but just a little something....the last card I made with my Bubble and Squeak stickers


pinky said...

Well done you Jacky, have no luck with blog candy at all... Send some luck my way please! lol. Enjoy your goodies.

Cherry said...

Well done, Jacky, what a day. Enjoy your goodies. Cherry xxx

SallyB said...

Congratulations again Jacky...Yes..I did notice that you were doing the rounds again! Are you this lucky with other things in life generally! Well it's all good.
I really didn't need any of that lovely candy..Boo Hoo! Keep on posting some lovely things for us to drool over!