Saturday, 11 April 2009

Sugar Bowl Christmas card

Well..... you know my resolve to make one xmas card a week has gone the way of so many of my resolutions!!!!

But over on the Sugar Bowl challenge they have a great sketch by Tiets this week...I don't have many Sugar Nellie stamps.....but I do have this one.....perfect for a xmas card!!

I used my new Stampin Up watercolour crayons [courtesy of Steph's blog candy] to colour the image....they are beautiful,intense colours and I think I will love them....once I get used to them!!!....used with the Stampin Up blender which is brilliant.

The papers all came from my [much too large] xmas offcuts stash and the felt snowflake is from a pack of xmas decorations bought in Matalan last December.

Spent yesterday evening at the theatre watching TRextasy.....absolutely brilliant.....anyone old enough to have glammed up to T Rex....go and see them if you get the chance....the whole theatre was boogieing in the aisles!!!


Lorna @scrapsnscribbles/letssewit said...

oh that is gorgeous jacky i love it.

SallyB said...

I bought some felt snowflakes in B&Q like this just after Christmas. I think they were 11p!
This card is great! Well done on getting even a few cards done before November!
The show sounds fab! Just born at the end of the 60's so I was only little but I do remember Glam rock...Marc Bolan was brilliant.

Craftyrose said...

This is great Jacky and well done in continuing to make Christmas cards! Come November you will be laughing at us all getting stressed out making a mountain of Christmas cards!! xx

Tracy said...

Hi Jacky,
someone's halo is on straight, christmas cards. Your so good Jacky and i love the card, cute image.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

debby4000 said...

Fabulous Christmas card its brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous and gorgeous, love it :)
Thanks for joining in the challenge!
Marlene x

Artyjen said...

Fab card. Someone is going to be lucky at Christmas!

Kimmi said...

Fab Christmas Card!

Kim xx