Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Oh no!!! I've been tagged!!!

The lovely Pinky has tagged me.

I have to show the 7th picture in the 7th file. The seventh file is mainly photos of 'work in progress' on our home and garden,so you get to see this wonderful photo!!!!

When we moved in there was an enormous fish pond in the garden [for koi carp] and as the only fish we like come cooked and on a plate.... we demolished it.... no easy task as it had obviously been built to withstand a nuclear attack.... and built a patio for barbeques...a much better way to enjoy fish....this photo was taken part way through the demolition process!!

Thought you might like to see the finished article as well...so second photo is of the completed patio....complete with barbeque.....hope we have the weather to put it to use this year.

So now I have to tag 7 other people....many apologies.....I'll leave a message on your blogs....but I'll leave it entirely up to you whether you take up the challenge or not!!!!
1.Sally B
7.Sally Ann


SallyB said...

OOh ..All the mess was certainly worth the end result..patio looks great!
Ok, so its a bit of a lottery. I haven't looked up what the seventh photo is! Probably a boring card and nothing too exciting...Will go and check now!

Digi Stamp Boutique said...

Wow...the patio looks fab! Well worth the hassle I'm sure...

Thank you for this tag....I shall go have a look and post it tomorrow...

Right - off to look at your cards as I haven't done that for yonks! xx