Friday, 5 December 2014

It's that time again- Journal your Christmas

I do believe the years must be getting shorter.....I can't believe it's already time to Journal your usual I'm being inspired by Shimelle's prompts.....but not slavishly following them.....and this year's journal is a very old.....8 x 8 SEI cardboard album that has been sitting around since I first began scrapbooking......but it's quite thin with 10 page only flat embellishments allowed.....and only 20 pages to make.
I was easily able to paper over the rather brightly coloured cover......and as always I'm intending to make it with stash I already spending splurges [however tempting Shimelle's kit was]
The first page is the first of our 'christmasy' actually happened on November 29th.....a visit to Portsmouth and their Victorian Christmas Fair [more details on that visit in this post].
And it's certainly not too late to join can sign up here.


This West London Life said...

I love the look of your altered album cover! And I hope you add some bulky embellies, because I love to see albums exploding with loveliness!

Kathyk said...

Delightful card - I ALWAYS love the way you layer your patterned papers

Your album looks fab too - splendid pix


Barbara Eads said...

Love that red doily!! The perfect touch!

Cheri said...

Beautiful job on the album cover! I was wondering if anyone was participating in JYC this year. I've been reading the prompts and feeling tempted, but haven't actually DONE anything about it yet.

Jane said...

looks beautiful, I'm using old stash as well.

Sandra said...

It looks fabulous, I'm using old stash too, but I'd be over the moon if mine loos as good as yours. I was going to do a separate album, but have decided to do something in my PL album instead. Loving having Shimelles emails come in every day though :)

Sian said...

It's looking fabulous and festive. The Victorian Christmas definitely needed a place in there

Karen said...

I like the idea of a limited album. I love your cover; that wood veneer deer is wonderful!

Lynne in NI said...

Fab cover Jacky and great LO too ... your day out looks really interesting. I love looking round old ships like that!

Melissa said...

Great start to your album - I like the reindeer embellishment on the album cover & the doily peeking out in your first layout!

Rachel Brett said...

Lovely album Jacky, I especially love the front cover :)