Monday, 10 November 2014

Festive frostiness

I've been following along with Jennifer's Frosty Festivities blog event this past many creative wintery and christmasy projects and such a variety of crafts.She's also challenging us to be inspired and her project using PicMonkey to make a photo look wintery certainly inspired me.
I make a December album each year....I love them......but what I keep forgeting to do is a christmas page for my  annual album.
Last year I didn't take many photos on Christmas Day.....I had one I really liked....but it was actually a pretty poor photo [typical of my photos] it seemed a good idea to add an effect in PicMonkey.
I couldn't add the type of effects Jennifer had as you have to pay for it had to be something simpler.
The original......I like how much is going on in it.....and who is in it.
After playing a bit.......I added a frost effect....which softened it....and made it look a bit vintage.
Rather than using christmas colours in my layout.....I decided to go for wintery,frosty colours......which suited the photo more.
I sort of wanted it to almost look like one of those old fashioned pictures where you're on the outside looking in......not sure if I've managed that!
I was lucky enough to win some of Jennifer's wood veneer scatters and die cuts on the Scrap 365 blog.....and they went perfectly on this layout.
The layout hasn't photographed very well....the softer colours in the photograph above it are much more true.


Sandra said...

I think you've managed that look for sure. It's so atmospheric. Looks to me like you've got a lot out of the challenges :)

Kathyk said...

Looking brill and love the changes you made


Becky said...

I love this layout and what you have done to the photo :)

Lou said...

oh yes you managed it well. Jennifer's veneers look fab on your page x

Jane said...

lovely wintery feel to the layout.

Karen said...

I just love the way this turned out! So lovely.

Kirsty.A said...

I love the photo effect. Great idea. And the page is fab

Sian said...

I love that look!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I think you definitely pulled it off.

Alison said...

I love what you've done here! Xx

Helen Philipps said...

Beautiful! I love the frosty effect and it does look as if you are looking in to a lovely family scene!
Helen xox

Jennifer Grace said...

I love how you've used this effect to make your photo more atmospheric! It does feel like we're looking in to a magical family scene.

I love the soft colours on your layout, and of course I like seeing the Happy Scatter items in use!

Regarding PicMonkey, only two things I used in my post were ones you'd have to pay for - the winterscape and the spirographs. The ornament, snowflakes, corniture, and text were all free. You can tell which ones you have to pay for as they have a little crown symbol next to them or on the menu. For example the ornament I used was a free one, then there's a bar with 'royale' and a crown on - all the ones below the bar are ones you have to pay for. I hope that makes sense. Just letting you know in case you want to play with it more!

Thank you so much for joining in my Frosty Festivities challenge! x

Lynne in NI said...

Great LO, love how you altered your photo :)

Melissa said...

This is absolutely lovely! That was a perfect effect for the photo & I think you've definitely created the feel of looking in on the scene!