Sunday, 11 November 2012

At the 11th hour.....of the 11th day.....of the 11th month

'They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.. ...when you go home, tell them of us and say 

"For your tomorrow, we gave our today".'

Support our troops......who defend our freedom......wear your poppy with pride......even if you don't support our  government's stance.


Cheri said...

This is beautiful Jacky!

Elizabeth said...

The poem is so appropriate, and the poppies are beautiful.

Jane said...

those words always bring a tear to my eye

furrypig said...

beautiful photo Jacky, we had an elderly serviceman read those words in Church today before the silence

Irene said...

Gorgeous photograph and wonderful words, Jacky. I certainly wear my poppy with pride and was pleased to hear that they sold more this year than ever.

humel said...

Well said, Jacky. Beautiful photo, too x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful photograph. Thanks for remembering.

Scrappi Sandi said...

These words say it all don't they...they always make me feel so grateful for what was sacrificed by so many so that we can enjoy the freedom we have today. We must NEVER forget!