Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The last 2 pages

The very last 2 pages made for my 2010 cruise album.......and they include the first page......if you know what I mean!

Pictures taken at the departure some ungodly hour........and the ultimate destination.......along with all the 'bits and pieces' that I always keep!

And some pictures taken while drinking relaxing in the ship's bars.......which was a fairly common occurence in the evenings......well all that site seeing and heat is exhausting.
I'm so pleased I spent part of my summer break making this album.....or should I say.....2 albums......I'd found it hard to get started.....but ended up enjoying making it......and it's really important to us to have documented this last holiday with our dear friend.


Elizabeth said...

I like everything about these two layouts. You put in photos, memorabilia, letters, and journaling. Just what every layout needs.

Jane said...

some wonderful memories.

debs14 said...

What a lovely way to remember that special holiday. I've enjoyed joining you on your travels through every lovely page you've made.

debs14 said...

What a lovely way to remember that special holiday. I've enjoyed joining you on your travels through every lovely page you've made.

Denise said...

Great pages jacky, specially liking the look of those cocktails :-)Great way to keep those memories.I like the memorabilia - lots x

Anonymous said...

Lovely pages Jackie. I especially like all the memorabilia on the first one. I always collect bits and pieces and then struggle with what to do with them.

Scrappi Sandi said...

I love both of these pages & yes! What a great stash of happy memories this album makes! Love the look of that HUGE orange cocktail too! :D

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

What a great feeling to complete these pages, and I'm sure it was bittersweet for you to work on these as I can only imagine how much you miss your friend. I love how you have included the ticket stubs on your page, Jacky!

Melissa said...

Congrats on completing your album! I'll probably be working on ours for the next year off and on.

Karen said...

I love the way you've incorporated the memorabilia on your page. I always end up with a big pile of it, and never seem to get much of it scrapped.

Sian said...

Brilliant memories in there Jacky. Well worth doing - the best kind of scrapbooking with the memorabilia and the heartfelt remembering

pinky said...

Looks great, love your layouts. Look at the size of the mens' drinks!!

alexa said...

I love how you've got all the bits and pieces that say "I was there!". It's been a pleasure to get to travel a bit with you in these lovely pages.

Becky said...

I love these layouts and the fact that you have all the 'bits' to go on the first one :-)

Jimjams said...

Mmmm love those cocktails. Well done on finishing the album (I often scrap out of order) - looks like a lot of happy memories preserved.

Excited to meet you next March Jacky!!!

Ginger said...

Well done Jacky, the album is going to be a lovely one to look back at :)