This is my post for Sian's Storytelling Sunday
About 20 years ago.....this girl started school.
A few weeks after starting school she fell and broke her arm.....which meant x-rays.....and a very 'child friendly' doctor who showed them to her..... and showed her the break.....and talked about bones and her skeleton......and when she showed an interest.....showed her a skeleton.....none of this seemed to faze her.
But 2 weeks later at dinner....she put down her fork and announced
"I don't ever want to go to heaven"
We were slightly thrown by this remark and asked her why
"Because" she said "it's going to be full of skeletons-yuck"
picked up her fork......and carried on eating.
lol, it does sound a scary place!!
Yes, all those bones, who'd want to be thre?!
It's so funny, the things our children get into their heads!
YIKES - and I wouildn't want to go there either!
Happy Sunday, Jacky
Great story, Jacky. She is so right! Love the photograph and smashing swimsuit. Irene
Children are so insightful!
The literal sense of a child still amazes me, what a great story Jacky!
Love it Jackie!
Alison xx
I'm just smiling at the image of a heaven full of skeletons walking around. Not quite the image I had painted for me as a child!
Oh you just never know what takes them! Great story, i really enjoyed it.
Great recollection! Love it!
This gave me a smile! One of those memories you just love to look back and smile about. Perfect.
This made me laugh - well, if heaven is full of skeletons might put me off too.
LOL! Kids make the most interesting connections sometimes.
Children come out with the funniest of things!
LOL!! Love it!!
Isn't if funny how little minds work.
Isn't it amazing how little ones connect the information they learn in different ways. What a great story!
Children do say the funniest things's something you miss when they grow up, isn't it?
Hope you have a happy week,
Susan x
Cute story :)
lol well who could blame her?!
LOL! And what a precious picture.
Rinda (reading a little late for Storytelling Sunday)
children are so funny I often wonder what goes on in their little heads!
LOL! I love it when children come out with a comment ages after what we think it is linked to. I often wonder "where did that come from?!" but they must have been busy mulling it over for a while.
Practical, realistic and very thoughtful - what a great story!
When my daughter comes out with things like this, it always makes me wonder what else has been going on in her brain that she hasn't asked me about yet!
She did once ask me what would happen if no-one had any bones, and I discovered she'd watched a programme that showed a skeleton. It must be strange suddenly discovering that these things are inside you! x
Hahahaha so funny!
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